Curated by the Phase team.
Where to start
Many people might not even know if they have a mental illness or need mental support. Familarize yourself with these common signs and symptoms.
You are in control
There are many things you can do to take control over your mental health. Familarize yourself with these and remember that you can overcome this.
Know your Insurance rights
Mental health IS covered under most insurance plans. It is important to understand the different catagories covered and understand where you fall.
You Are Not Alone
Mental Illness is more common than most people think. Familarize youself with some common statistics on the prevelancy of Mental health in the US.
How To Help A Friend
There are many things you can do to help others who may being going through tough times. Get creative and be supportive with these helpful tips.
5 Ways To Support Your Teens Mental Health
Mental health is something many teens can use support and information on. Use these 5 tips to get the conversation started.
Teens & Social Media Anxiety
Social Media is something Millenials and Gen Z grew up with. It is important to understand how the pressures and exposure to social impact mental health, and what we can do about it.
Support Your Child's Anxiety
One in seven 10-19-year-olds worldwide experience mental health conditions with depression, anxiety and behavioral disorders. Here’s how you can help at home.
Manage Anxiety & Depression On Campus
For alot of people, college is when anxiety and depression really start to manifest both physically and emotionally. Here are some tips to help manage these new feelings.
LGBTQ+ Identity Matters
Within the LGBTQ+ community, identity is important because it offers a sense of self while making people feel seen and heard. It can also create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all identities within the community.
Depression in the LGBTQ+ Community
Nearly 60% of LGBTQ+ adults are experiencing mental health challenges today. In fact, LGBTQ+ adults are three times as likely to experience a mental health disorder than individuals who identify as straight
Women's Mental Health
Anxiety, depression, and co-occurring disorders can affect women and men differently. Researchers are only now understanding the different biological and psychosocial factors that may impact the mental health treatment of women & men.